How to expand cells to fit text in Excel

1. Click the triangle in the top left corner to select the entire table.

2. Click the Home tab → the Rows and Columns drop-down button → AutoFit Row Height and AutoFit Column Width.

3. The row height and column width can be adjusted according to the characters and numbers in cells.

· Option 2:

1. Click the triangle in the top left corner to select the entire table.

2. Click the Home tab → the Rows and Columns drop-down button → Row Height and Column Width.

3. In the pop-up dialog, we enter the specific value, and click the OK button.

4. Then, we can expand cells to fit the text.

· Option 3:

1. Place the cursor at the cell’s column heading right border or row heading lower border.

2. When the cursor becomes a left-right arrow or up-down arrow, double click it.

3. Then, we can expand cells to fit the text.

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