Charities annual filing (CHAR500)

All charitable organizations operating in New York are required by law to register and file annual financial reports with the Office of the New York State Attorney General. This includes any organization that conducts charitable activities, holds property that is used for charitable purposes, or solicits financial or other contributions.

File a Charities annual report

Topics covered

Charities annual filing new user

New online filing user?

Charities must file financial disclosures annually with the Charities Bureau.

Charities annual filing returning user

Returning user?

If you have already submitted an electronic filing with us, you can check your filing status online.

Registration and annual filing frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What organizations are required to register with the Office of the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau?

Most organizations that hold property of any kind for charitable purposes or engage in charitable activities in New York or solicit charitable contributions (including grants from foundations and government grants) in New York are required to register with the Office of the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau.

Under New York law, charity is defined very broadly to include purposes such as:

Although most charitable organizations are required to register, the law exempts some, including religious organizations, from registering. If you believe that your organization may be exempt from the registration requirements, you will have an opportunity to claim an exemption when you fill out the online registration application.

How can I register my organization with the Charities Bureau? What key documents and information must registrants have to complete their application?

For a complete list, consult the online checklist detailing what is required to register prior to starting the application.

Please note that the form requires two signatories: